Day 5 With London - Lots uh personality

I know it looks like I’m posting two entries close together but I'm really not. They are written in the morning and I can just never get the posted until the evening. But we leave early tomorrow morning so this is being written at 2 am in the morning as I pack. Let me just say I’m in charge of the paperwork in China (not Christe), so I’ve been working on some things. Also I have to work with the coordintor to make sure the local guides and drivers get the right amount of tip money tomorrow. Let’s also not forget that the luggage will all be overweight so I have to see what order people are to check in based on the numbers of bags I believe they will have.

As for today, I awoke with a sore throat. An ever tightening sore throat. Anyone who knows me, knows I have a fairly strong tolerance for this sort of thing but it’s really starting to tighten up. I know, I know, what the hell am I doing up at 2 am writing this when I will get up at 5:30 am. Well for you of course! You are reading this, aren’t you? So shut up already! Duh!

Hey and before I forget to mention it again, if you’re just looking for more pictures of London check out my wife’s site. The link should be over there on the side. If not it’s .

Now, today it’s really official. I had to do paperwork and I got our little girls Chinese passport. Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou to get started on the American visa needed to get her into her new home.

I’m not going to write much longer because I really would like to get some sleep but I must mention a few things.

London is out of her shell, at least around us. This little girls a stinker! I think she knows she cute and she’s playing it! Anyway, she decided today she could stand up with out pulling herself up. Albeit, the girl looks like a contortionist doing it, she gets up. Occasionally it requires her sticking her rumpus straight into your face, but hey whatever a little girls gotta do to get on two feet?

Also we took a walk to the Apollo again I snapped a very blurry picture of the tape shoes on the mannequin. We had to buy a bottle because we’ve figured out now that mrs fussy budget has bottles she likes better than others. Now don’t get me wrong, this kid is patient and she even lets me feed her in my inexperienced way. She knows I’m jacking it all up but she just lets me keep going.

So just prior to the pack I took a little shot of her shoes. She’s a little girl already. And for anyone that knows about me and my shoes, you know she’s on her way to fitting right in.

Tips on China…………….

Number one. Don’t start a fire. It’s already too hot.

Number two. If you do start a fire don’t expect to have anyone put it out.
Number three. You’ll see why no one will put it out

Hey I heard China’s in a growth spirt but dudes, trying not paving over the things you need on the way there!
Signing on from China this is “sore throat”.


Anonymous said…
Oh no Cash I think that she is going to have more shoes than me whenever you all get back, and by the time she is my age she will have learned to save everything that she has ever owned!!

Luv Ya Bunches,
Anonymous said…
She is adorable! Have a safe trip home.

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