I will start today by apologizing if I miss some of the better stories. Yesterday was a very event filled day.
We met Tom and Andrea (another couple form KC) in the lobby to venture out on our own without a tour group. They said they had called Greg and Cammi (the other, other couple from KC we’ve met) and they did not answer. While waiting in the lobby Greg and Cammi showed up. Luck was with us. Also so I don’t forget, Greg looks a LOT like David Letterman, or at least his illegitimate brother. I will try to get a picture that shows his Letterman-ness.

Six people do not fit in one taxi, so part of the days adventure is trying to get two taxi’s at one time. Also, you don’t just raise your arm or whistle to get a taxi. There are many illegal taxi’s as well. Even if you get a legal taxi, most times they won’t turn the meter on and will get you where you want to go but at 100-200% increase of what it should have cost.
So taxi’s hired we were off to The Summer Palace. The summer palace is somewhere on the northeast area of the 435 loop (KC highway reference). I’m serious! Beijing has it’s own 435 square loop running around the outside of the city. The cab ride, which took us nearly 45 minutes, was about $6.50 US. New York needs cabs at this price!
At The Summer Palace, it started to rain. It was a wonderful bit of Chinese history and was a beautiful complex. I however was more fascinated with all of the Chinese tourists.
I was able to determine (by later events) that ice cream is not what is considered cool and refreshing on a hot steamy, muggy, drizzly, sticky day. It’s a steaming hot ‘hot dog on a stick’.

The Summer Palace is also where we were able to partake first hand in being the oddity that we had been told westerners are. The six of us were just standing looking at a map of the palace grounds and I caught some younger Chinese girls sneaking pictures. I pointed them out to the group and then ran away but then snuck back to snap some more. I couldn’t help but give some rock and roll hind signs and a very gratuitous thumbs up for some of the photos. As they started to giggle and take more pictures, it suddenly hit me! The must recognize me from my worldwide fame with my band. Tom suggested they more likely were shooting pics of Greg because he looks like Letterman. I put that to rest by asking how often you think the people here talk about how funny last night’s top ten list was. That’s right ABERDEEN is HUGE in China. Live with that Tom!
I’ve been given the 10 minutes to departure from the wife so, I will try to post more later. Hopefully the topics will include split pants and how they are used (I have pictures). Explaining to the taxi driver he almost got into an accident with a roller skate, “Bob” has his own shoes, the plaza cow, the silk road, and Hard Rock Beijing.
Hopefully more later…..Today is supposed to be the great wall, forbidden city, Tienamen Square….