Happy birthday London, mommy and daddy packed separately......

Today is July 18th, 2005. It is London’s birthday today (only for about four more hours in China). Based on the original expected travel times, we were originally expecting to have her yesterday. So suffice it to say, we are packing here in the US instead of trekking all over Changsha, China lamenting about not finding a nice pre-made birthday cake at the local Hy-Vee, sans relighting candles.
This brings me to the main point of my post. Women and men pack differently! This is not just what they bring but how they actually pack it.
My wife woke me just before 7 am. I had gone to bed after 4 am this morning. I have been telling her that “I’m just adjusting my body clock to Beijing time”, when in fact I’m staying up late working.
Now for the record, I did not say that my wife purposely woke me up. My wife just woke me by folding and refolding her 4 pair of shorts 1 skirt, 1 pair of pants, and 10 tops of various sizes, colours, and fabrics. All of which were folded and refolded and slammed against the bed in a defiant, even with space bags my suitcase is way too damn small, I hate the world and anyone asleep in this bed should know it and damn them for sleeping.
Once she realized I was awake she told me what she was packing and stated, “That’s not too bad is it?” There is no correct answer on 3 hours of sleep.
Now an hour later she is completely packed. And, so as not to leave those reading this overly amazed, she has been packing for roughly a week, with London’s two bags zipped-up several days ago.
I have not packed yet but my wife did help me by making the bed while I wasn’t looking –I thought I was going to use it again– and throwing my suitcase on the bed with the two items she purchased for me (bathing suits), and a pair of socks I think were meant for a drawer and just didn’t end up where they were suppose to be.

Upon realizing I was more interested in writing this than packing, she continued to bother me with triumphant announcements from her daily email reading. “Hey! This lady’s bringing a car seat!” “No honey, we won’t need a car seat in China.”
I, on the other hand, have packed 1 laptop, 4 spare batteries, Card reader, A/D/A converter, digital SLR camera, traditional 35MM SLR camera; pocket digital camera, digital video camera, 2 batteries for same, 6 tapes for video camera, charger, external fast charger, 15 memory cards, 2 sets of headphones, 4 DVDs, and not a single power converter that will let me charge anything in China.
I’ve packed these items, not for the reasons one might think. I just believe that all electronics should at least once in their lifetimes make a pilgrimage back to where they were born. We will be stopping in Japan as well.
Well, I have to get to work one last time to make myself feel better about the thought of being away for nearly three weeks. So until I get to it again, have a great day.